Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

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In keeping with the requirements of CMU’s Writing Intensive courses, a significant portion of the work in this class is focused on the production of short papers that critically engage various topics related to the study and practice of religion. The goals of WI work include:Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

· Use writing to learn course content

· Properly incorporate elements necessary to an academic paper

· Engage in the process of drafting, revising, and editing

· Select, analyze, and evaluate information

· Draw valid conclusions

Toward these ends, each student will carefully craft five two-to-three page papers. These papers correspond to each of the major modules of the course (the introductory material and the five religions covered) and are based on a question provided by the instructor and a special reading meant to prompt thinking. Papers will be graded based on the degree to which they meet the five goals stated above (see grading rubric below).


It is important to make a distinction between the acts of “learning to write” and “writing to learn.” Ultimately, this is not a composition class; rather, it focuses on the act of writing as a significant way to reflect more deeply about the subject matter of the course. The primary goal of these papers is to foster critical thinking about big religious themes that directly impact personal and social life.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

However, because developing basic writing skills is a part of the WI program, these papers must fulfill a set of specific requirements. The topics for the papers were selected, in part, to help you succeed. In addition to the goals stated above, each paper must conform to a specific five-part structure:

· Introduction — Begin the paper with an opening paragraph that introduces the subject of the paper in an interesting way.

· Thesis Sentence — The introductory paragraph must end with a sentence that explicitly states the main point/goal of the paper. Each paper should try to make only one central point. Pick one position you want to defend and make that the sole focus of the paper. The thesis should clearly define this position. The thesis sentence should read something like: “This paper argues that . . .”, or, “This paper intends to show that . . .”Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

· Body — The body of the paper, the next five or six paragraphs, should be used to describe, support, and defend your thesis. Typically, each paragraph of the body raises a different argument and presents evidence to support it. It is important to also address counterarguments that a reader might use to challenge your thesis.

· Conclusion — End the paper with a closing paragraph that restates the thesis sentence, summarizes the arguments used throughout the body, and finishes in an interesting way.

· Sources/Citation/Bibliography — Students are also required to research at least two outside sources to gain a broader perspective on the topic of each paper. References to these sources should appear in the body of the paper, be offset with proper citation, and be listed in a bibliography at the end of the paper.

Additionally, each paper must be double-spaced, written in 12pt. type, be at least between two and three pages in length (though longer papers are acceptable), and begin with a title page that lists name, paper title, class, and date. (Do not repeat these on subsequent pages.) You will be expected to draw on material used during the module, including readings, lectures, and discussion, as well as any outside sources deemed useful to your argument. Proper citation (MLA, CMS, APA, etc.) of all sources of information and ideas is required.

If writing academic papers is new to you, here is a short list of tips for success:

· Be a “planner” not a “plunger” — Writers can often be divided into two types: plungers and planners. Plungers are those who start writing before they know what they are writing. Planners start writing only when they know what to write. Writing takes time, in preparation and in actually writing. Take the time necessary to do the research, organize thoughts, and outline the order of the paper before you start writing.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

· Editing is part of the writing process — Good writing does not just happen in the first attempt. Too often students let their brain spill onto the page and then submit their masterpiece. However, the writing process is not linear. All work needs to be drafted, revised, and edited. One helpful strategy is to print out what you have written, wait or few hours or even a day, and then read it again with fresh eyes. Pay renewed attention to everything from the flow of the arguments and sentence structure to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

· Writing is meant to be shared — Written work is obviously destined for a final audience, but it should also be read while in process. While self-editing is important, it is also true that “every editor needs an editor.” If you don’t know that something is weak or wrong, then obviously you can’t improve or fix it. Feedback shouldn’t just come from teachers but from peers, preferable before a grade is assigned. Let someone else see your work before turning it in. Inevitably they will identify errors that, once corrected, will improve the final product.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Requirements, Writing Tips, and Grading Rubric for Reflection Papers

CMU’s Academic Dishonesty Policy: Written or other work that a student submits must be the product of his/her own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving computer technology, are prohibited and will result in a failing grade.

In most cases, our experiences help in moulding us into our best versions by startling and challenging our voyage. If you have ever encountered a phenomenon or event that changes your view on certain things, then you are capable of writing reflective essays. Sometime, the existence of various aspects of life, such as religion could drive you into a mode of thinking. The several questions that arise from your view of faith could be the basis of a reflective essay on religion. A reflective essay allows anyone to compose their views and opinions in their true selves and personalities.

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Reflection Essay on Religion
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Self-reflection might come across as an essay thing until it’s time to write a reflection essay. Therefore, before delving into the basics of writing a reflective essay on religion, it would be wise to tackle the various aspects of reflective writing. This guide wills expertise your skills in writing reflective essays.

What Is a Reflective Writing Style?
A reflective writing style is a style used in composing reflective essays. A reflective essay is a work of literature that is written based on personal experience. When writing a reflective essay, a writer focuses on presenting their expertise on a particular subject matter and how the experience affected their lives.

Reflective essays give writers a platform to fully express their experiences on a specific matter. With the explanation of how the events changed his or her life, a writer may present a learning tool for others who have not had the same experience. Subsequently, a writer’s reflection essay may offer a realization of a mutual lesson with those who have had the same experience.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

What is the Purpose of Reflective Writing?
In recent times, a reflection of the past event is often seen as a thing of the past. However, even with the gradual changes around us, it is essential to pause and reflect on past events. The importance of a writing a reflective essay is to provide a platform where we can analyze a subject matter based on previous experiences and draw conclusions from them. Consequently, we can learn from our experiences since experience is the best teacher.

Reflective Essay on Religion

What are the Characteristics of Reflective Writing?
Reflective writing employs transitional words and phrases
A writer should be concise in relaying information
Reflective writing should use the first-person point of view
A reflective essay depicts personal narration
Reflective writing uses own experiences with lessons or insights to develop the essay
There is the use of self-disclosure and honesty
Reflective writing uses scene building techniques to provide vivid descriptions
What are the Elements of Reflection?
Reflection essays use descriptive language to relay information. Reflective writing needs a vivid description to make the readers understand the work better. Hence using expressive language helps the readers in visualizing the occurrence of events or experiences.
There is the use of transitional words and phrases. Since reflective essays involve narrations of experiences, it is mandatory to use transitional phrases to ensure that there is a smooth flow in the composition.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.
There is the incorporation of a turning point or point of realization.
First-person narration. First-person narration or use of the first-person point of view engages the readers while reading the essay. The first-person narrative helps the readers in sharing the emotions of the writer.
They are concise when relaying information. Reflective writing requires writers to formulate and communicate their points in a concise manner to ease understanding of the essay.
Reflective writing reflects the true emotions and experiences of the writer. Since the essay requires the writer to convey their experiences through writing, there is an expression of the emotions and personalities of writers
How to Write a Reflective Essay
It is essential to know the basics writing a reflective essay before embarking on your writing. There must be a correct direction to your paper. A key point to note before starting your writing is that you are writing to share a valuable life lesson based on your personal experience.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Here is how to write an effective reflective essay:

Reflective Essay on Religion

Have an important event in mind
For your reflective essay, you have to think deeply about an important event. Concentrate on events worth writing about. Consider picking an event from which you can pick out valuable points for developing your essay.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Choose a relevant topic
After you have chosen an event worth writing about, you will have to formulate a topic that best fits the event in mind. Make sure that the topic is relevant and exciting. A catchy topic gives a reader some interest to look into your work.

Introduce your topic
The introductory part of your essay should grab the attention of the reader. The introduction should evoke the emotions of the reader. The introduction introduces the reader to the topic while preparing them for the body of the essay.

Develop your points in the body
The body of the essay should develop your main ideas systematically. For a short reflective essay, three or four paragraphs would be enough to develop your points. Narrate your experience and explain the experience is of importance.

Conclude the essay
At the end of the narration, a writer must provide a concluding paragraph to wrap up the essay. The concluding section must reflect on the points discussed in the body of the piece. Besides, the writer could opt to include a recommendation on the subject matter.

How do you Start A Reflective Writing?
Writing a reflective essay requires that you share your experience on a specific matter or topic. You do not have to convince the reader with your narration like in other types of essay. Here are some tips on how to write an exemplary reflective essay:Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Write a draft of your essay:
You cannot start your process of writing without writing down a draft of your paper. The draft guide in noting down all the key points you need so that you do not forget any when writing your paper.

Choose a topic:
Sometimes, you are assigned a topic by your instructor while other times, you need to come up with a topic of your own. The first step reflective writing is finding a relevant reflective essay topic. Be keen to choose wisely.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Brainstorm on your topic:
Depending on the item you have chosen, you might need to think deeply on the points you will discuss in your essay. A vivid description of your experience is what the essay is all about.

Formulate reflection questions:
Formulating reflection questions might come in handy in the vivid description. Ask yourself question that might help you re-live the experience. Consider the following questions when brainstorming on your topic:

Answer the formulated questions:
Use the questions above to come up with answers that would help you develop your essay. The answers to the questions will help you get as many ideas as possible.

Write the points in your draft in order
Ensure that you write the points in your draft in order so that you can develop your essay systematically. A chronological account would help your readers in understanding the plot better.

Create a summary
Create a summary of your whole paper to help you get an insight into what the final paper would look like.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Questions To Consider When Brainstorming On the Topic
How was the event or experience unique to you?
What did you notice during that experience?
How did you feel about the experience?
Why did the experience make you feel as you felt?
How has the event or experience changed you?
How did the experience challenge/ fascinate you?
Was this experience similar to some else’s or was it different?
What lesson did you learn through the event or the experience?
How did the experience affect your understanding of religion and theology?
What questions arose from the experience or event?
How can your experience be of help to a different person?
What different thing might you have done to change the situation?
Would you want to re-live the experience?
How did the experience inspire you?
Reflective Essay on Religion

How do you start an Introduction to a Reflective Essay?
Just like any other essay, the introduction of your reflective essay needs to catch the attention of the reader. The opening acts as the ‘hook.’ A well-defined introduction will make the reader look into the full essay. This section will help you in developing a compelling introduction for your reflective essay.

Grabbing the attention of the reader is key
When introducing your reflective essay, ensure that you start with a catchy statement that will captivate the reader. The sole purpose of the introduction is to grab attention and introduce the topic to the reader. You could start by mentioning unique and interesting beliefs or facts. You should be able to showcase a level of creativity that is out of the norm. Always ensure that the development of the introduction does not seem cliché.

Write a thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph
A thesis statement is a statement that appears as the closing sentence in an introductory paragraph. The statement bears the focal point of discussion in the paper. The whole paper tends to develop in line with the thesis statement since it carries the central idea. This statement should be written in a clear and concise sentence. Using a thesis statement helps the reader in understanding the direction of the paper without reading the whole paper.

Use first-person narration in developing the introduction
Remember that a reflective essay is subjective and is dependent on the writer’s interpretation of the subject matter. Therefore, it is important to write your essay using the first person point of view. Using the first-person narration will help you in conveying your thoughts, opinions and experiences. Moreover, using first-person narration will help in engaging your readers as they read through your essay. The reader would always feel like the writer is narrating their own story.

Keep the introduction brief and informative
It is always essential to keep a reflective concise. Make sure that your introduction contains 5-7 that are detailed and captivating. The introduction must relay a complete and definite thought that makes the whole essay worth reading.

How to Make a Strong Reflective Essay Thesis
The thesis statement should always reveal the primary purpose of the essay. Ensure that you relay the following information through the thesis statement:

A definite experience or event
Include a strong example that will bring a fuller picture of the event or experience
How do you Write a Reflection?
As any other assignment, writing a reflective essay might be daunting. However, if you take your time and effort to learn the basics of reflective writing, the process becomes easier. The following points would ease the process of writing a reflective essay.

Avoid over-thinking about how to start your reflective writing. Ensure you are calm to maintain a flow throughout your essay. Make the first draft and correct it later into your final draft. Also, ensure that you stick to the initial draft wrote before starting the writing process.
As discussed early, always consider starting your essay with energetic and captivating statements. The introduction should evoke the emotions of the reader. By doing so, you become sure that your audience will be interested in your work. A poorly introduced work might be underrated even if the points discussed in the body of the essay are of much weight. Using a quote or an interesting fact could easily interest your audience.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.
When noting down the points on your experience(s), ensure that you include a supporting description of how the experience impacted you. Use specific word phrases to convey your feelings.
Write using the first-person point of view. Subsequently, make sure that you use a tone that reflects on your personal experiences. The first person point of view engages the reader, making them feel as though the writer is telling them a story.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.
Others important points to consider:
In case you feel the need to refer on notes concerning the outline of a reflection essay, you should have a look at them. Ensure that you develop your essay systematically and in the right order. Moreover, always remember to focus on the life lessons of the experience of the essay.
Ensure that you choose your vocabulary carefully. Even though you are supposed to convey your genuine emotions, avoid using slang word. Similarly, vague adjective such as ‘nice’ or ‘okay.’ These adjective do not depict your real personality or feelings. Subsequently, always remember that reflective writing requires a descriptive component. Hence, it is essential to use adjective throughout your work.
Be honest about pointing out your emotions and feelings. Remember that you are writing a reflection essay. Hence, the essay requires a deep level of reflection that reviews your feelings and thoughts. Critically analyze your experience and ensure that you make judgments that incorporate ideas from outside your experience. Use your words to reflect your personality.
Try incorporating imagery are a stylistic device in your reflective writing. The use of symbolism helps in creating a vivid description in reflective writing.
As a smart way of developing your reflection essay, ensure that you highlight the turning point in your essay. The ‘Aha!’ moment strongly supports your feelings and arguments.
Last but not least, always remember to point out the lesson learnt from the described experience.
How do you Conclude a Reflective Essay?
The last paragraph of the reflective essay should reinstate the rest of the article. Focus on collecting all your points together to offer a concluding summary of the whole essay. A valid conclusion logically wraps up the paper.

What is the Example of Reflection?
A good example of reflection that is worth writing about is a reflection essay on religion. Religion involves believing in the existence of a supernatural being that controls different aspects of the universe. A reflection essay on religion unravels the sacred engagement with that which is supposed to be a sacred obligation. Even though religions guide us through life, most people find themselves having a profound reflection on faith.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

The Development of a Reflection Essay on Religion
The topic of religion is a diverse kind of topic considering the fact that there are many different approaches to religion. In a general point of view, reflection on religion is distinct because of several reasons:

Some people believe in faith, while others do not. At this juncture, a reflection essay could incline on the need for religion while others might incline their reflection on the regarding religion as useless. Both arguments, independently, could be used in constructing a reflection essay on religion.
The fact that are different religions with different beliefs and concepts of worship; the Islamic religion, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism, among others, makes it easier to formulate reflection essay on religion.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.
The different denomination is some of the religions. The fact that there are still different beliefs within the same religion is though worth pondering into.
Discrimination based on religion is a puzzling issue. Is there a religion that is superior to the others? Is there an inferior one? If there is, then who is the judge of superiority or inferiority of religion? Why would people who believe in the same God discriminate against each other on religion basis? Such are the questions drive most people in writing refection essays on religion.
The philosophy of religion. Several books of philosophy try to come head-on with religion. These books of philosophy give much insight into what religion is. Most philosophers are non- believers of religion.
Reflection essay on religion
After reading and observing all major religions of the world, here is my conclusion on religion. All religions are different. They all bear different concepts on practices such as worshipping, fasting, festivals and traditions. However, I have found out one outstanding thing; all religions believe in one God and agree on the existence of God. For example, Judaism and Islam believe in the worship of one God. In Christianity, however, the concept varies slightly in the belief of one God but three different divine substances of the Trinity.

In my thirst for religious knowledge, I came to find out about the unifying factors in religion. All religions teach on our role as a human being in the universe. Subsequently, all religions teach humans to evade sin. The concept of sin is almost the same in all religion. Last but not least, I came to realize that praying regularly will give peace of mind.

The above example illustrates how you can develop your reflective essay on religion. The concepts of religion vary from person to person. My understanding of religion might be far from what your belief is. All these different views are acceptable since everyone has the right to expression.

In conclusion, a reflection essay on religion helps one in understanding the different views and aspects of religion. Moreover, the reflective essays help in the knowledge of the origins of different religions as well as their beliefs. Writing a reflection essay on religion would help in understanding your religion better. Consequently, you get a better understanding of other religion and the influence of religion on the world. Although people are active in different religions, there are still doubts in some beliefs.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

I decided for my paper that I would touch on a couple different topics that I can relate to as far as religion. The first topic I plan on speaking on is my definition of religion and what I have come to realize. I also plan on speaking about the different beliefs and practices that I have either been a part of or witnessed. By the end of this paper you will be able to see the change of a young me in opposed to me now with a mind of my own.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.
Growing up as a child I believed religion was just going to church every Sunday with my grandparents. My grandmother was a very religious person and always made sure I prayed every night and went to church every Sunday even when I didn’t want to. As a young child all I could really comprehend is that God
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I felt as though if I should be asking anyone for forgiveness it should God. I should be praying to him and asking Him to forgive me and the priest. This is where my definition of prayer comes into play. Prayer to me is a private conversation between me and God, where I can ask him for forgiveness or just simply thank for what he has done. I do not feel like I need to share it with someone else.
I have nothing but respect for Catholicism but there were a lot of things I questioned. The burning of the incense did nothing but made me feel like I was going to pass out. It is said that the incense is burned to purify and sanctify the church. How much purification does a church need is it not already supposed to be a sacred place without the incense . This leads me into my next topic of the “body of Christ” that it is kept in the tabernacle on the altar. We were taught to make the sign of the cross everytime we passed in front of the tabernacle, no matter where you are in the church as long as you pass the path of the tabernacle you make the sign of the cross.

Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay

Faith has been within society as much as its origins. All ancient human civilization had some type of perception in a Our god or the transcendent. Beliefs will always be an issue within any human being society. The belief of the transcendent gives human beings a chance or hope for eternal happiness for those who abide their particular beliefs.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Yet through out record, different made use of and philosophy emerged which provides rise towards the inconsistency. There are several differences between religions: a single versus various gods, personal versus corriente gods, personal survival of believers versus no success of believers, moral requirements, religious life, etc . Because observable in human history, nevertheless religions generally offer some type heaven attempting to paradoxically entails conflicts and controversies. And despite the fact that beliefs supposedly gives people a feeling of what’s right or wrong, atrocities had been committed with the intention of religion; the hundred years war, the questions, jihad, ethnical cleansings etc And amongst the variety of values that fill contemporary world, one simply cannot help to think how to consume hand the overabundance of truths that sometimes overlaps, dissent, and finally oppose the other person. There are three stances you can take.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Initially is to (1) treat all religions as valid and true (pluralism). Another way is always to (2) look at beliefs in way that some are proper and some happen to be wrong (exclusivism). Finally, anybody can also (3) think about almost all religions because false (atheism).

Let me take into consideration the third posture first. By arguing that all religious philosophy are bogus, it also means arguing that God or any type of form of the transcendent would not exist. Through arguing this, means rejecting all of the theistic theses which were formulated in the history of person.

And this may be the part where catholic philosopher’s shear me off, as countless theologians in history were also philosophers. With atheism in hand, the question God’s Being is usually raised. Paul Tillich argues that God is Being, exactly where Being displayed the ultimate reality that underlies all living, whether normal or great. In fact , Staying doesn’t actually pertain into a personal God at all.

Tillich wanted to make Being are a symbol of the ultimate area of issue all humans, conceived inside the broadest sense. Furthermore, any kind of attempt to establish what Staying is, by providing it the name of your particular The almighty, fails to capture the true Becoming. Tillich believes that all particular conceptions to be that we know about in the West constitute idolatry. Once we give religious symbols an excessive amount of importance, in that case we have dropped into simple idolatry.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

It could be plausibly argued that a religion must have religious symbols and traditions to qualify as a religion-but, if this is true, then every religions must in a way always be idolatrous. This is certainly quite a solid and ridiculous thing to claim. But on the other hand it can also be claimed that atheism is very theism since it possesses unlimited concern.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

The unknowable God behind God symbols mediate our relationship with God. Goodness is further than existence and nonexistence. This kind of leads all of us to the more theistic procedure on the selection of human perception. First is a idea of pluralism which is spearheaded by Ruben Hick.

Hick’s theory keeps that all religions are expression of the same best reality. However , how is it feasible for all beliefs to be accurate images of the identical ultimate truth? They can’t all be correct because this is a violation from the law of noncontradiction (the thesis that something are not able to possess a property and lack it as well and in similar way). For example , to argue that God can be personal coming from my religion’s perspective but not personal by another religion’s perspective and thus avoid the infringement of the legislation of non-contradiction is to declare God can be not finally personal. Mainly because it has just been accepted that some other faith has an equally valid watch of God which contradicts my own religion’s view, this conclusion again dents the justification pertaining to believing inside the specific hypotheses of God by my own particular faith (in truth, many beliefs will deny this bargain for this extremely reason; particularly, because the religion’s views are not really thought to be entirely true).

At a single point, Hick argues the fact that ultimate reality of The almighty has no houses or features by itself, although only pertaining to believers. And so the properties we attribute to God will be relational real estate, which don’t exist or perhaps pertain to God whenever we don’t exist to assign those houses to The almighty. Yet, this theory even now implies that every religion’s look at of that supreme reality is certainly not completely true seeing that there exist other, contrary and equally correct relative landscapes of God. And this undermines the importance of these particular religion’s beliefs. Likewise, a being that has no properties or characteristics in itself appears incoherent, since, once again, legislation of non-contradiction does not apparently apply to that being in the absence of any kind of believers.

Besides, a being which has no properties is almost similar to absolutely nothing. On the other hand, anybody can also take the path of an Exclusivist. Exclusivism states that one’s individual religion holds true, all the other happen to be false.

Which yet again sets it incompatible with every different thought out there: Which religious beliefs is the true religion? To get the exclusivist, salvation comes from faith in this one authentic religion. But , there are exclusions that present several problems. Examples of these are people who didn’t hear the religion’s communication.

Also you will find those virtuous and great people who did hear the religion’s concept but turned down it. A good way to solve these types of problems is usually to accept a view that even now accepts that there is one true religion (and all the other folks are false), but who may be included in that religion is usually increased to feature all of the persons covered inside the aforementioned good examples (Inclusivism). Additionally , the same problems mentioned above, of determining which in turn religion is the one true religion, this kind of theory likewise suffers for the reason that it seems to undermine the value of being among the people who essentially hears and follows the message of this one religion.

Since basically being a positive person is enough to get into bliss, it no more seems to be everything that important to listen to any religion’s message, which weakens the motivation for following that religion. Other ways is to manage the variety of perception is to handle them as being a are more proper than others. Although almost all beliefs may hold a few truth in them while what a pluralist might state, there is also the notion of several beliefs having more practical, plausible, and appealing factors than other folks.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Treating morals that some are more correct than others will can charge some sort of hierarchy most notable. Being therefore , there is no perception to take what is less that the optimal path or any belief other than the idea on the top of the ladder. This might be related to a sense of rationality or a mental faculty pertaining to deciding what individuals should hold is true or maybe a sense of epistemic duty. As belief holds such importance in a person’s personal and social lifestyle as was mentioned before, it cannot be helped to get verification of what is true and what is not.

On the other hand, an argument can easily arise from here asking what basis of rightness or wrongness of a certain belief is in the above mentioned hierarchy. Undoubtedly, we are not able to take a target perspective in this article due to mother nature of the subject matter as asserted in numerable articles regarding belief (belief cannot be grounded empirically). This kind of then leaves me without having means to measure the rightness or wrongness of a specific belief.

If it is so , it is usually said then that the couple of belief could be left for the personal opinions and beliefs of the believer, or simply put, belief is very subjective. Just like understanding some other major term in viewpoint of religion, completely understanding the lifestyle of variety of human beliefs in this case would be as hard as pinning gelatin to a wall. Just as one thinks you have held the whole thing in one level, the rest of computer slips aside and declines apart. And the end we could back to earth zero, stuck in a standstill conflict of being either a great atheist, pluralist or an exclusivist; a kind of conflict between two extremes of anarchy and cruelty.

Pluralism in the purest type can lead to anarchy of philosophy due to the equal treatments of all beliefs as with way true and valid. Exclusivism taken up the extreme might is tyranny in feeling that only one or some philosophy are the credible ones for taking. And the apparently safe solution of atheism which every other theistic disagreement rebukes. Alluding to the concept of the other that can not be consumed by I in Hegelian method of the thesis and the anti-thesis having a give up in the form of the synthesis, religions can not be equalized by a common denominator neither taken separately and cured with opinion. Hick, Plantinga, and Tillich tried nobly to create stable grounds simply by creating angles for morals by conceptualising the whole idea of religions and beliefs.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

But with the contradictions to every disagreement presented, loose or useless ends look due to the definitely vast truth (and paradoxically ambiguous) of religious beliefs, as a result one are not able to firmly keep his perception in every surface. Therefore , it could be said that you cannot find any safe response. A risk then of creating a mistake is definitely not avoidable just as every single evil is usually inevitable in the world.

And just as uncertain the issue of human opinion is as every philosophical paradox will go, it is kept in the question of choice.

Many a times, people raise the question on the origin of religion; in addition, this question has fascinated philosophers as well as scientists throughout the centuries (Johnstone 21). Different religions have different practices of what they believe in and so the question remains; what is the origin of these practices.

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Where did the notion that God exists come from? Due to these questions, many different answers have been given as a way of satisfying people’s curiosity. From my definition, religion is anything that a person relies on, which has pivotal value, whereby the person discovers indispensable wholeness as both an individual and person in the society. Nevertheless, religion can have numerous definitions particularly based on a person’s experience.

The emergence of Christianity gives the simplest answer as to where religion came from since it gives the answer that God came up with the idea of religion. Religious teachings, especially Christianity, record that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. He created a man, animals, and everything else in the world and while in the Garden of Eden, he instilled rules that he wanted people in the garden to follow.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

He also revealed his intentions by using prophets to get his message across to the people, and through this process, they recorded his words. In this process, there emerged the creation of religion via revelation. Christianity is not the only religion where there is divine origin; for instance, the founder of Buddhism, Gautama Buddha, stated that he received heavenly inspiration in his search for the truth as he sat under the tree known as bo (Johnstone 23).

Therefore, he got his religious practices through revelation. In the Islamic religion, Muhammad reports to obtain visions in a cave close to Mecca from the angel Gabriel. Looking at all the aforementioned reports, it is easy to see a dominant belief that a certain divine power interceded leading to what we know today as religion.

The followers of religious leaders who recorded the supernatural revelations believed it to be true and so there was the emergence of a religious system (Johnstone 23). Therefore, in my opinion, these religious leaders played a key role in developing religious practices that people follow in the world we live in and this trend will continue for many centuries to come.

Religion at times comes out as science particularly in an environment where thought and language give people control. There is the use of tools, shelters built, seeds planted, and clothes made to keep the body warm. However, in the past, people could not explain what caused the rain to fall, what caused the sun to rise and even where human beings came from. Different communities had varied explanations for all these and many other questions; nevertheless, the principles continued to be the same.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

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According to Taylor, one god was responsible for pulling the sun with his chariot across the sky, while another made the wind to blow and many other explanations (94). Therefore, it is clear that people believed that gods had something to do with creating the universe as well as humanity. For quite a number of years, the analyses made concerning the world made a lot of sense as they could underscore the existing facts.

Religion had an explanation for the world and so for the ancestors, science was a religion. At times crops failed, people died, and there was answering of prayers and people could see all these occurrences as gods’ doing. On the other hand, after the passing of many years, philosophers started to understand that gods did not have anything to do with the events that happened, the world simply obeyed the already rules of nature (Royce 36).Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Apart from social scientists who have tried to explain where religion came from, anthropologists and especially those in the 19th Century, came up with their own version of unraveling the mystery of the origin of religion.

In their belief, they have the notion that religion in a way came as a response to the various experience that people underwent in the world they lived (Johnstone 24). People went through mysterious, awesome, and horrifying events such as lighting, thunder, tidal waves, illness, death and many others and so they saw the need to know what caused those happenings, hence religious systems slowly came up.

From my perspective, I can see how this aspect led to the emergence of religion for people could not go through such traumatic events and not want to know the causes of the same. This realization explains the thinking of anthropologists such as Max Muller who represented the naturalistic school that put emphasis on the significance of nature’s physical acts like sunrises, storms, and tides. Anthropologist from the past believed that trees, rocks, people, and animals possessed spirits (Johnstone 25).

There exist psychological explanations with regard to identifying where religion came from. The explanation focuses on people’s emotional needs. It states that people are more likely to look for maintenance of emotional stability particularly when faced with danger, disruption, and insecurity (Johnstone 27).

They try to come up with answers as to why such bad things are happening to them and how they can fight against them in order to overcome, and at this point religion comes in because the rational mind cannot unravel the mysteries surrounding such issues.

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Therefore, human beings look for divine intervention and look up to God to answer their prayers and show them the way to follow so that they can come out of the predicament they are in and look forward to a brighter future. In the Christian religion, the records hold that God loves everyone and whoever shall seek him will find him and this assurance underscores why God sent his only son so that he could die for the sake of mankind’s sins and relieve them of eternal punishment (Royce 63).

This aspect explains why many people who are having challenges think that they have done something wrong, hence the reason why God is punishing them. According to Sigmund Freud who is regarded as the “father of psychoanalysis”, religion comes entirely from the guilt that people feel after having done something wrong (Johnstone 28). Consequently, in his perspective, religion by definition is a mechanism that gives people room to sublimate most of the primitive instincts that they have, but society usually represses.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Looking at the sociological views that explain where religion came from, we go over the various explanations by diverse sociologists like Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Emile Durkheim, and Guy Swanson. According to Georg Simmel, faith has to exist in religion just as it is imperative in other human relationships.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Religious faith to a supreme being is crucial in our everyday today life (Johnstone 30). I agree with this assertion because, if people do not have faith in a supreme being, they are bound to lose hope in life especially when faced with seemingly insurmountable calamities. Having religious faith helps people to be in a position to believe even when one cannot see the Supreme Being and have trust that everything will work out favorably.

Despite the fact that the origins of religion for sure are not clear, speculation as well as research has however been successful. From chapter 2, it is clear that even though there are different suggestions as to where religion came from, it is clear that religion started a long time ago and it was build as a way of helping people to stay on the right path coupled with understanding some of the mysterious events that happen.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

In my view, the psychological explanations stand out as I also believe and uphold the practices highlighted here. In most cases, people are going through challenging occurrences that they look for divine intervention to help them to sort out their issues. People have the belief that God helps people who help themselves, but I believe there are areas where people are unable to help themselves and so God has to intervene, and this area highlights the need for prayers, as they underscore the popular way of requesting assistance from God.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

In addition to the aforementioned information, religion is also a way to enforce morality. People’s thinking capacity developed and so did their ego. Property and ego result to conflict and this explains why people kill each other in order to defend what is theirs. Uncontrolled egos on the other hand make people vulnerable and both of these aspects give way to moral decay. Therefore, religion came in as a way of underpinning morality.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

Consequently, communities came up with moral codes, which are rules regarding life, sexual activities, as well as property. This aspect greatly helps people to put their behaviors in check. Different communities had different rules; however, there were some that remained the same; for example, do not steal, do not kill or do not commit adultery. Nevertheless, people are weak; therefore, the probability of breaking their own moral code is very high and so a strong community has to be present to ensure morality is enforced.

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The strongest moral code however emanates from a supreme being because he lives forever and sees everything and has power over life and death; therefore, he commands the greatest respect. Identifying religion with morality has been happening for thousands of years such that many people believe there is no difference between the two. Religion in my opinion also came as a way of making communities to be united.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

This move was extremely necessary particularly in a primitive world. Nevertheless, there was a time that religion turned to be very violent especially after the Islamic expansion almost 1400 years ago. There was no unification of communities especially in the 21st century and every religion blamed other religions for the violence (Royce 118).

Overall, religion from my perspective was a good thing to emerge as it definitely acted as guidance for all human beings across the world. Otherwise, without religion, people would be acting in any manner that pleases themselves oblivious or ignorant of the consequences. Being able to answer to a supreme being makes people to become humble and aware that there are grave repercussions to any evil deed they engage in (Taylor 123).

From the chapter, it is clear that religion serves the purpose of giving people answers to concerns and questions over destiny, purpose, and mystery coupled with offering support and comfort in times of bereavement, danger, and death among other eventualities. Religion is also important, as it is real unlike in magic where there is a creation of illusions and people get false hope.

Religion offers a safe haven for people who are in need of help and particularly divine intervention. From reading chapter 2, it is evident where religion came from irrespective of whether it is a theory or from scientific evidence.

All the information given allows us to realize that religion has come a long way to reach where it is today. It also makes us to realize the vital role played by religious leaders from the past who made it possible for people to believe in a supreme being and thus uphold to the rules and practices of religion that help in instilling morality amongst people.Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion Essay.

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