1. Go to the Mayo Clinic website
Write a 3 sentence description of dietary fiber. Identify the two types of dietary fiber and write a 2 sentence description of each type.
What are 5 benefits of dietary fiber and write a 2 sentence description of each benefit. Describe the difference between refined/processed foods and whole foods.(minimum 3 sentences).
Pick 2 tips from Fitting in Fiber and write a 2 sentence description of each one.
Why did you pick these 2 tips? At the end of the article, under See Also, pick 3 topics you want to learn more about and write a 4 sentence summary of each one. Why did you pick these 3 topics?

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2. Watch the video Science of Sleep part I
and the Science of Sleep part 2
Type a 4 paragraph (4 sentences each) summary of each video.
What was of interest to you in each video and why was it of interest (5 sentences each).

3. Watch the following video on the Smallest Waist.

Type a 2 paragraph (5 sentences each) about the history of corsets.
What did you think about the determination for the smallest waist (5 sentences)?
At the next website you will see a video about a female who suffers from anorexia and bulimia.
Type a 3 paragraph (5 sentences each) summary.
What did you find most disturbing about her behavior (5 sentences)?

4. Watch the short video on The discovery of vitamins (scurvy and beriberi). Write a 2 paragraph (5 sentences each) summary of the video. Why do you think it took so long to discover vitamins (5 sentences)?

5. Read the article “Different types of hunger” in chapter 3 module, section 4.5.
Different types of hunger

The different types of hunger
“Paediatrician and Zen meditation teacher Jan Chozen Bays suggests that there are seven different types of hunger:
• Eye hunger. It’s the old saying about ‘eyes being bigger than the stomach’, if the dessert trolley had its contents mixed together in a liquidiser would it look so good after you have eaten the steak? The eyes also have an effect through portion sizes, bigger plates mean bigger portions; people tend to finish what they are served, but research shows that when people are given a smaller plate that is just as full but holds less food they are just as happy.
• Nose hunger. Another old one, early in the 20th century a scientist called Ivan Pavlov showed how the smell (and sight) of food leads to an automatic watering of the mouth. Next time you walk past your favourite restaurant take a moment to examine how the feelings in your mouth change as you begin to smell the food as you pass by. The problem is that this happens whether you are hungry or not.
• Mouth hunger. An obvious one, but it’s not just the flavour that the mouth craves it’s also the texture. Would fish and chips or chicken tikka masala be as good to eat if they had been blended into a milkshake consistency?
• The stomach. It’s reasonable that we should eat because we feel that empty rumbling stomach. The error that we make is to think that our stomach tells us when to eat; actually we tell it. If we eat at a certain time of day, when we see things associated with that time of day (driving home, sunset and so on) our body responds to these triggers by setting of the stomach muscles moving in anticipation of having some food to process. We can retrain the stomach to respond to different expectations if we want to.
• Cellular hunger. Have you ever had a fixed craving for one particular food, something out of the ordinary and not associated with passing a restaurant or seeing an advert? The thought of it just comes at you out of the blue, and triggers all of the types of hunger we have just discussed. Unless it’s because it’s a food you have been expressly forbidden to eat for medical reasons and you are feeling rebellious, then you should probably eat that food. There may well be an element or food group in it that your body needs. For instance if you have been doing strenuous lifting around the house and your arms are feeling weak – then that fantasy about a steak is your muscles asking for protein so they can repair themselves.
• Mind hunger. We all have opinions about what is a good diet and these are influenced by the various rules of eating that we take on from diet gurus. Can they all be right? Can a vegetarian-based diet and a high-protein meat diet both be right? Some writers have tried to link differences to body type or blood group. Being an informed eater is one thing, but examine all your eating rules; how did you get them? What do you think will happen if you go against them? What is the evidence for those beliefs other than the opinion of a food guru?
• Heart hunger. We can associate certain emotions with hunger. They may remind us of past happy times and so when we feel sad or lonely we fall back on these foods to lift our mood. The problem is when we begin to associate any food with being distracted from those negative emotions.
Next time you’re hungry ask yourself which hunger is at work, it’s usually more than one. Ask yourself where your hunger comes from and will it make you eat or will you step back and make a considered choice. Mindfulness can be a useful approach in doing this.”

Identify the seven different types of hunger and write a 2 sentence description of each one.
Pick 3 types of hunger that you or someone you know has had experiences with and write a 4 sentence description of what occurred with each type.

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