Labor movement refers to the increasing number of jobs available to Americans in the nineteenth century movement of workers from farms to the industrial cities efforts of workers to improve their economic position

Labor movement refers to the increasing number of jobs available to Americans in the nineteenth century movement of workers from farms to the industrial cities efforts of workers to improve their economic position building of the railroads The labor movement resulted in competition for jobs in the cities, making it hard for people to find work a large population of unskilled workers in the cities outlawing of child labor, in eight-hour work days, and in safer working conditions the elimination of labor unions A labor union is an organization of workers who seek better treatment for workers an organization that takes part in collective bargaining with employers an organization that may resort to going on strike if its demands are not met all of the above The War Industries Board converted businesses to the war effort during World War I did not have any power during World War I converted businesses to produce needed products during the Great Depression helped produce a United States depression during World War I One of the most important economic results of World War I for the United States was the Great Depression a recession the United States moving from being a creditor nation to being a debtor nation the United States moving from being a debtor nation to being a creditor nation New technology and consumer spending created the economic prosperity of the 1920s the Great Depression the New Deal the labor movement During the Great Depression, the major reason for farmers receiving low prices for their crops was underproduction corruption overproduction poor farming methods The three Rs of the Great Depression were relief, recession, and reform reform, relief, and recovery research, read, and reform reform, recession, and research During the Hundred Days Roosevelt awaited his inauguration and prepared a strategy Congress passed many major bills to help relieve the Great Depression Roosevelt developed a clear idea of how to solve the nation’s economic problems Congress delayed action on Roosevelt’s legislation The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insured bank depositors’ savings replaced Hoover’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation regulated the stock and bond markets regulated the savings and loan industry The Social Security Act sought to help the unemployed the unemployable the elderly all of the above The Civilian Conservation Corps provided work to single young men, requiring them to send most of the money home to their families provided work to Americans in order to generate electrical power and control floods around the Tennessee River promoted fair competition in all industries all of the above The Agriculture Adjustment Act brought much criticism because it drove the price of food lower than it had ever been it offered farmers money to destroy crops and leave land uncultivated it decreased employment of farmers it increased the number of farms in the United States The most significant legacy of the New Deal is a decrease in federal programs and in the size of the federal government an increase in the size of the federal government and expansion of government programs separation of church and state The New Deal did not leave any lasting impact on the United States. What actually brought the United States completely out of the Great Depression? the New Deal the Second New Deal World War II World War I The purpose of the Montgomery GI Bill was to help all families recover after World War II help all disabled veterans receive medical care expand the military during the Cold War provide economic assistance, including education and housing assistance, to all veterans The state of hostility that existed between the two world powers from World War II through the 1980s was called the Cold War World War II tension immigration During the Cold War, the United States government spent large amounts of money on defense, including atomic warfare on the space program in order to outspend the Soviet Union and end the Cold War all of the above Which of the following was a cause of the recession of the 1980s? insufficient production in the United States overproduction large government deficits and increased consumer spending increasing employment President Ronald Reagan’s new economic strategy, Reaganomics, included raising taxes and increasing spending cutting taxes and decreasing government spending cutting taxes and increasing government spending on domestic programs raising taxes The economic prosperity of the 1990s was primarily due to the new economy created by the Internet the development of the computer industry the dot-com businesses which developed in the 1990s all of the above Entry level economists typically must have a GED high school diploma bachelor’s degree Ph.D. Economic knowledge is only important if you are an economist is only sought after by the government is important in every job is not important to anyone Economists are hired by private businesses to do general labor program computers analyze economic data manage companies I successfully completed the Interview Activity located at the end of objective 3. true false

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