Justification Report

The topic is felon disenfranchisement and a rough draft will be provided. Proper
APA style is a must.
Assignment 5.2: Report – Revised Version
Write a formal justification report to an organization making a recommendation to
implement a particular product, service, or program. The organization may have a
business, governmental, professional, or social focus. The report may focus on a “real” or “
made-up” recommendation, but you should direct the report to an actual organization,
even if you do not plan to actually submit the report. The audience within the organization
will be whatever level is most appropriate to make a decision on the topic of your report.
Write a minimum of 4-6 single-spaced report pages (not including the table of contents,
transmittal form, executive summary, or title page).
Organize the reports by section headings.
The report should contain relevant and applicable graphics (at least one).
The findings should be based on research, including at least one primary
source and at least three secondary sources. Sources should be credible and
reliable (no Wikipedia).
The report should reflect a style and format appropriate for business, i.e.,
single spacing and bullet points are acceptable for the business report.
Headings, figures, and appendices should follow guidelines of APA style. All
in-text citations and the references page should be cited according to APA style, 6th
edition guidelines.
Preliminary parts

Report text

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Title page
Transmittal (1 page)
Table of contents
Executive summary (1 page)


Problem statement
Method used


Your assignment must:

Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with oneinch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or schoolspecific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s
name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the
reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Use sentence variety and effective word choice in written communication.

Organize ideas logically by using transitional words, phrases, and sentences.

Support ideas or claims in body paragraphs with clear details, examples, and

Apply writing process strategies to develop formal business reports and/or

Use technology and information resources to research issues related to
selected topics.

Write clearly and concisely using proper writing mechanics.
Consider the feedback from your professor when making your revisions.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the
paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
the grading rubric.
Points: 150

Assignment 5.2: Report – Revised Version
Below 60% F

Meets Minimum
60-69% D

1. Organize the
reports by section
Weight: 15%

Did not submit or
organized the
reports by section

2. The report should
contain relevant and
applicable graphics
(at least one (1)).
Weight: 20%

Did not submit or Insufficiently
contained relevant
contained relevant and applicable
and applicable
graphics (at least
graphics (at least one (1)).

70-79% C

Partially organized
organized the
the reports by
reports by section section headings.
Partially contained
relevant and
applicable graphics
(at least one (1)).

3. The findings
Did not submit or Insufficiently based
should be based
incompletely based findings on
findings on research, findings on
research, including
including at least one research, including at least one (1)
(1) primary source at least one (1)
primary source and
and at least three (3) primary source and at least three (3)
secondary sources. at least three (3) secondary sources.
Sources should be secondary sources.
credible and reliable
(no Wikipedia).
Weight: 20%

80-89% B

90-100% A

organized the
reports by section

organized the
reports by section

contained relevant
and applicable
graphics (at least
one (1)).

contained relevant
and applicable
graphics (at least
one (1)).

Partially based
Satisfactorily basedThoroughly findings
findings on
findings on
based on research,
research, including research, including including at least
at least one (1)
at least one (1)
one (1) primary
primary source and primary source and source and at least
at least three (3) at least three (3) three (3) secondary
secondary sources.sources.

4. The report should
reflect a style and
format appropriate
for business, i.e.,
single spacing and
bullet points are
acceptable for the
business report.
Weight: 25%

Did not submit or Insufficiently reflected
Partially reflected a Satisfactorily
a style and format style and format
reflected a style andreflected a style and
reflected a style
appropriate for
appropriate for
format appropriate for
format appropriate
and format
business, i.e., single usiness, i.e., singlebusiness, i.e., singlefor business, i.e.,
appropriate for
spacing and bullet spacing and bullet spacing and bullet single spacing and
business, i.e.,
points are acceptable
points are acceptableoints are acceptableullet points are
single spacing and for the business
for the business
for the business
acceptable for the
bullet points are report.
business report.
acceptable for the
business report.

5. Headings, figures,
and appendices
should follow
guidelines of APA
style. All in-text
citations and the
references page
should be cited
according to APA
style, 6th edition
Weight: 20%

Did not submit or Insufficiently
Partially followed Satisfactorily
Thoroughly followed
guidelines of APA. followed guidelines guidelines of APA.
followed guidelines guidelines of APA.
of APA.
of APA style. is your go-to destination for swift and trustworthy essay writing assistance. Our comprehensive writing services encompass essays, coursework, research papers, and more, ensuring a seamless solution for all your academic needs. Entrust your writing assignments to our skilled writers and bid farewell to concerns and stress. Rest assured, your college papers are secure in our capable hands, promising a hassle-free and reliable experience.

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