how did the us finally find and kill osama bin laden was the mission legal and or moral and has it crippled al qaeda

Absolutely NO PLAGIARISM !!!This will be 2 page essay(it can and should be longer), based on a Chapter Question, starting with the textbook then at least three other sources from any legitimate mainstream book, journal article, periodical, or newspaper.No dictionaries or encyclopedias, especially Wikipedia, are allowed. You must properly cite a source using the APA Style for anything that is not common knowledge, let alone if you quote from it. The more sources and citations, the better your grade will be (good social science needs cited facts to back it up). DO NOT do a Title Page or sub-headings. Do a Works Cites section (which will not count for length).
In the book is just some basic info, mostly it needs outside sources and the more sources, the better it will get.
citation is extremely important as well. Do at least 4 citations
and references. Just remember, we need to cite from the book, but not
much, mainly looking for outside sources
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The post how did the us finally find and kill osama bin laden was the mission legal and or moral and has it crippled al qaeda first appeared on Nursing Assignment.

how did the us finally find and kill osama bin laden was the mission legal and or moral and has it crippled al qaeda was first posted on October 2, 2020 at 8:14 pm.
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