Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper

Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper

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Step 1 – Geriatric Survey is attached and must be used! Home is located in Houston, TX

Step 2:

From the point of view of an older adult, use the information you gathered in step 1 to evaluate your neighborhood in terms of how adequately it will meet your present and anticipated future needs. Write a paper on this using APA format. You may use either sixth or seventh edition APA. This is an academic, APA paper from the view of an outside person. Avoid telling a story of yourself and your dog and that you are happy the sidewalk is flat. Avoid personal information about your family. Avoid material on older adults that does not apply to the community (half page on hypertension from the Mayo clinic does not belong, focus on the community and older adult. Your paper should be at least three pages double spaced not counting cover page or references. Students must use three current academic references (within the past five years) in addition to the references they use to document characteristics about their neighborhood. These references should concern characteristics and needs of older adults. Crime rates should be reported as incidents per 1000 or per 100,000 inhabitants. Crime rates should be reported using government sources. Facts that are not common knowledge should be supported with a citation. One of those references can be your textbook.Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper


All submissions will be checked for plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected the student will receive a zero for this assignment and will be referred to the Office of Community Standards.

Geriatric Windshield Survey Table

Home Address: 15019 Benfer Rd, Houston, TX 77069

Business Name Distance from Home Services Available Comments
Walgreens 2.5 miles Pharmacy
Medication Compounding, Medication Delivery Prescriptions can be set to automatic refill for home delivery or pickup. Call pharmacy to refill meds if not on auto.
Kroger 1.5 miles Fresh groceries
Pickup Kroger offers pickup and delivery by ordering online or using their mobile app.
Chase Bank 1.4 miles Personal
Business Checking and savings can be managed in person or online.
Family Physicians of Texas 3.1 miles Primary Care Physician Office is currently accepting new patients. Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper
First Texas Hospital of Cy-fair 3.9 miles Hospital Hospital has an emergency room.
Prestigious Smiles Family Dentistry 2.3 miles Dentist
Orthodontics Privately owned facility that offers preventative, maintenance, and cosmetic services.
Champion Forest Baptist Church 1.3 miles Church Transportation can be provided.
Hardy Senior Center 15. 9 miles Senior Center
Ceramics / Crafts
Computer Room
Gardening Class
Line Dancing
Monthly Trips
Table Games
Weight Training / Room
Wii Games
Yoga Class
Zumba Services offered to all local residents. There is a chance to regularly meet with other seniors in the area while engaging and physical and mental activities. Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper
Stuebner Airline Veterinary Hospital 2 miles Veterinarian
Petco 2.8 miles Pet supplies
Klein Volunteer Fire Department 2.9 miles Fire
Harris County Constables Precinct 4 2 miles Police
Transportation Uber
MetroLift transportation can be arranged by calling your insurance company.
Other Local Services Available Lawn Service
Lawn Mowing
Housekeeping The local neighborhood app on the phone and on the computer lists services available in the community.
Houston Area Crime Rate is 52 The Houston crime rate is 52, but no crime rate is listed for this area. The neighbors are friendly and helpful to one another. While Houston has a higher than average crime rate, the crime rate for this area is likely lower.

City of Houston. (2020). Houston Police Departments. Retrieved from:
Hardy Community Center. (N.d.) Retrieved from: Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper

A windshield survey was conducted of the Fall Creek community just north of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. The focus of the survey was an initial assessment and overall impression of the community where the participating family lives.
According to Stanhope and Lancaster, (2012, p.190) community is defined as a “social network of interacting individuals, usually concentrated in a defined territory”. Individuals, grocery stores, and hospitals are just a few examples of what makes up a community. Community health refers to “the meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and the relationship between the community and the larger society” (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012, p. 401). Indicators used for assessment of community health include infant mortality rate, number of motor vehicle crashes, childhood poverty rates, lung cancer rates, and other data used to develop a broad definition. The Phrase “community as a client” refers to the focus of nursing in an integrative model for community health promotion.
It is important to remember that community oriented care is population focused, addressing the complex mix of health problems, clients, and levels of care within the system. Partnerships in the context of communities as the clients refer to shared responsibility for outcomes between nursing and the community.Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper

Windshield Survey

A community is a group of people who live in the same area, interact with each other, and share certain norms and values. A community is defined as a locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting societal institutions, informal groups, and aggregates that are interdependent and whose function or expressed

A community is a group of people who live in the same area, interact with each other, and share certain norms and values. A community is defined as a locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting societal institutions, informal groups, and aggregates that are interdependent and whose function or expressed intent is to meet a wide variety of collective needs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Community health is the process or characteristics that allow a community’s population and economy to survive. Community health is defined as the meeting of collective needs through identification of problems and management of behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society (Stanhope, & Lancaster, 2012). The community is the client if a nurse works towards helping the community even when this is accomplished by helping one individual at a time. The community is the client only when the nursing focus is on the collective or common good of the population instead of on individual health. Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper  Although the nurse may work with individuals, families or other interacting groups, aggregates, or institutions, or within a population, the resulting changes are intended to affect the whole community (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). The Community Health Partnership (CHP) is a community development process that engages communities to make local decisions and develops ways for the communities to improve local health care systems and improve health status of area residents. Public health programs include community health assessment and interventions based on assessment results, analysis of health statistics, public education, outreach, case management, advocacy, professional education for providers, disease surveillance…Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper

PLACE: Borough Park, as a
community, has manmade borders [see
diagram to the right (Olson, Van Wye,
Kerker, & Frieden, 2006)] with
Maimonides Medical Center, located
at 4802 Tenth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219, serving as the main acute care health facility. On
the whole, health care facilities, including a hospital, doctors, dentists, and even specialists, are
all available within the borders of the Borough Park community, and all health facilities are all
accessible by car and public transportation, including subways and buses.
I noted limited garden landscaping and very few animals while walking through the
community. The lack of space for landscaping lessens the threat of poisonous plant availability
or soil to threaten children and animals with plant or soil borne disease. Similarly, I saw only a
few stray cats, and no dogs or rats limiting the possibility of disease spread through animals.
There are numerous private schools in, and surrounding, zip code 11219 but only a few
public schools. I found no reports of overcrowding in the public school system, though World
Media Group, LLC (2013) reports that the public school system in zip code 11219 is ranked
above average. All school buildings, private and public, appeared in good repair though, in some
instances, there was limited space for children to play outside. Public protection is evident with
numerous EMS services, including several volunteer ambulance services. One police precinct is
located in zip code 11219. The closest Fire Department is in Sunset Park.
PEOPLE: At 4pm mostly women and children were on the street. Many of the women
were dressed modestly and tastefully with long skirts, jackets, and hats. Many students in the
streets were wearing uniforms and backpacks. Near Maimonides many workers were leaving the
hospital wearing scrubs. The few men that I encountered varied in appearance from suits with
long coats and hats to plain clothes or scrubs.
The population observed was overwhelmingly white, with some Hispanic, African
American, and Asian people were observed. The groups are residentially located with the
highest concentration of white, residents at the center of Borough Park and other groups
dispersed throughout the community with a concentration of non-white residents at the edges of
Borough Park. Racial and ethnic characteristics of the community are most evident at
synagogues and private schools, many of which depict the institution names in Hebrew or
Yiddish. On the fringes of Borough Park I saw one store with Chinese characters on the awning.Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper
I saw no churches during my walk through Borough Park. The Synagogues varied by groups
including Hassidic, Sephardic, and Ashkenazi Jewry.
The World Media Group, LLC (2013) reports the “per capita income of 11219 Zip Code
is $12,678, which is much lower than the state average of $23,389 and is much lower than the
national average of $21,587;” however, the fancy stores, large homes, and luxury cars I saw
indicate that some of the community members are very wealthy. This became more apparent as I
moved from the lower avenues and streets up to the higher avenues and streets of the community.
Around Maimonides Medical Center I saw evidence of mental illness and disease, particularly
when one gentleman on the street, who looked poorly kempt and disheveled, with a flat affect,
started to suddenly yell at his cell phone. However, in general, once over one block away from
the hospital I did not see any evidence of drugs, violence, disease or mental illness.
ENVIRONMENT: There are no large industrial factories in Borough Park. Smaller
industry that effects the environment mainly consisted of paint stores, photo developing


companies, dry cleaners, and artisan stores such as monument and window stores. The
chemicals used in paint, photo, and dry cleaner stores can all effect workers and individuals
living the apartments above the stores. The roads are well marked but narrow and are not
adequate to accommodate the high volume of traffic associated with the large population living
in Borough Park.
HOUSING: The housing and architectural style of houses varies by section of the
neighborhood. Multi-family homes and apartment buildings are most common. I saw no vacant
houses, very limited retail space, and no apartments being advertised for rent. The apartment
buildings and homes can be quite old, with 90 years or older not being uncommon. However,
new homes and apartment buildings can be seen sporadically creating a montage and varying
array of architectural styles throughout the community. Most houses and apartment buildings are
in good to excellent repair.
SPACE USE: Land in Borough Park is mainly residential and commercial with no large
industrial buildings and very limited public parks. Most space is private and there is almost no
open space, even on private residences.
COMMON AREAS: The main “hangout” places appear to be yeshivas, the park, sidewalks
outside residences, and restaurants in the area, particularly pizza shops and ice cream stores.
“Hangouts” may differ by socioeconomic status since eating out is expensive. Public areas such
as the park, sidewalks, and restaurants are open to strangers.
TRANSPORTATION: Members of the community own cars, use public transportation, or
walk in order to get around, and in and out, of the community. The streets and roads are able to
facilitate transportation through the community, though due to the high density of the population  Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper
and narrow streets congestion is common.
SERVICE CENTERS: There are many community run social agencies and health facilities.
However, there are limited recreation centers and after school activities. There are many offices
for doctors, dentists, and specialists, generally on the first floor or basements, of multi-family
residences. I did not see any palmists or spiritualists.
STORES: Many residents shop locally. There are a myriad of food shops, restaurants,
home furnishing shops, clothing, music, toy, artisan shops, medical supply stores and specialty
stores in the 11219 zip code area. Community members walk, drive, or take public
transportation to shop in the community
STREET SENSE: The majority of people on the street were women, mothers, babies,
children, and students. Near the hospital both men and women wearing scrubs or plainclothes
were exiting the hospital. All people were what you would expect to see on the streets at 4pm.
People were dressed appropriately for the time of day and locations where I saw them. The only
animals I saw on the streets were a stray cat or two.
COMMUNITY GROWTH: I come across a few remodeled homes or newly built apartment
buildings. Street repairs were just completed in the month of September, and there were limited
political posters. There was some garbage on the sidewalks, but otherwise I saw no abandoned
cars, real estate signs, or abandoned houses. Many houses and buildings house stores on the
bottom or basement floors.Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper
POLITICS AND MEDIA – COMMUNITY PERSONALITY: Few political campaign posters
were posted on houses or in store windows. Party affiliations were not readily apparent. Widely
available newspapers include Hamodia, Yated, and the Jewish Press. Magazines available
include Ami, Bina, Jewish Actions, and Binyan. Hebrew and Yiddish newspapers and magazines
are also available. Print media is definitely the most important.
Walking through Borough Park is a multisensory experience. The elevated subway
trains, traffic, honking, and busses all make a lot of noise. Borough Park does not smell. The
higher avenues and streets are much quieter and have more greenery which makes them look
lovely and inviting. Borough Park has a nice feeling overall and parts make you feel like you are
in a foreign city and culture. The community gave me a good feeling, with the higher avenues
and streets being most pleasant. This was mainly because the upper avenues and streets were
less crowded, and much cleaner, with higher end stores.
Based on Take Care Borough Park,
published by the New York Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene (NYCDHMH), the leading
causes of premature death (meaning death that
occurs before the age of 75) in the community of
Borough Park is cancer, ranking at 24%, and then heart disease ranking at 21%. “Other causes”
equal 42% of deaths, which include accidents (5%), HIV-related deaths (3%), homicide (3%),
suicide (2%), pneumonia and influenza (2%), and other (25%)(Olson, Van Wye, Kerker, &
Frieden, 2006, p.4).
These diseases, which and cause premature death, affect both males and females, mainly
between the ages of 45-64. Cancer and heart disease are the two leading causes of death in both
sexes at the age of 65 and older (New York City Department of Health, 2002). The cancers most
prevalent in men, from the highest to the lowest, are lung, colorectal, and prostate. For women,
breast, lung, and colorectal cancers are most prevalent. Geriatric Windshield Survey Essay Paper

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