Exam Guide Ling

LING 160 Guidelines for Exam 2 Exam Date, Time, and Room # Exam 2 is on Thursday, March 28, 2012, room #3310, at 2:30 p. m. It will be about one hour long. Exam Format Mostly multiple-choice questions and a few open-ended, short-answer questions, like exam 1. We’ll have between 45 and 50 questions total. Unless stated otherwise, provide short, bullet-like, answers to the open-ended questions including only the relevant information and skipping unnecessary parts. For example, do not write “I believe that one of the most important factors for XXX is…”; just provide the most important factor(s), and do not exceed the space provided.
If you have one line for an answer, do not write more than that. There will be deductions for lengthy answers. What to Bring Your SFU student ID, a pencil and an eraser for the Scantron Sheet, and a non-erasable blue or black pen for the open-ended questions. General Guidelines ? Practice doing the exercises in the text. Answers for most of them can be found at the end of each chapter. ? Though exam 2 will mostly cover the material discussed after exam 1, exam 2 will be cumulative. It will cover everything up to and including week 9, i. . , Chapters 1-10 from the textbook, including Ch. 10 “Style, Context and Register”, and the accompanying articles from the Reading List. ? Focus on main ideas and key examples supporting them. ? You do not have to memorize every single example in the textbook chapters and articles from every language. However, you do have to know the definitions of major terms, their application, and be able to provide examples illustrating the terms discussed in the texts and in the lectures. 1 LING 160/Dr.
Ivelina Tchizmarova March 14, 2013 What will the Exam Cover? Textbook: It will cover Ch. 1-10, including Ch. 10 from the textbook. Articles: It will also cover the articles from the reading list up until and including week 9’s readings on Style, Context, and Register (see the Reading List). Focus particularly on the following six articles and book chapters; there may be open-ended questions on them, so read them carefully, and be prepared to come up with your own answers: De Wolf, Gaelan Dodds. 990. Social and Regional Differences in Grammatical Usage in Canadian English: Ottawa and Vancouver. American Speech. 65. 1:3-32. Clarke, Sandra. 2006. Nooz or Nyooz? : The Complex Construction of Canadian Identity. The Canadian Journal of Linguistics. 51. 2/3:225-246. Hoffman, Michol and James Walker. 2010. Ethnolects and the City: Ethnic Orientation and Linguistic Variation in Toronto English. Language Variation and Change. 22:37-67. Clarke, Sandra and Philip Hiscock. 2009.

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Hip-hop in a Post-insular Community: Hybridity, Local Language, and Authenticity in an Online Newfoundland Rap Group. Journal of English Linguistics. 37. 3:241-261. Battarbee, Keith. 2010. Shifts in the Language of Law: Reading the Registers of Official Language Statutes. Text and Talk. 30. 6:637-655. There may be multiple-choice questions on all of the remaining articles from the reading list for weeks 1-9 (not just the articles after exam 1); they will be based on main ideas and key supporting examples. ? Below is a sample list of topics to review for exam 2.
For each topic: (1) be able to provide definitions of the sociolinguistic terms; (2) illustrate them with specific examples from different parts of the world; (3) relate the term specifically to Canada based on the articles in the reading list and the group presentations; (4) when terms are given in pairs (or groups), you need to be able to tell how they are similar and how they are different from each other. ? For a more detailed list of topics, see the main text’s table of contents on pp. ix-xii. 2 LING 160/Dr. Ivelina Tchizmarova March 14, 2013
Sample List of Topics to Review Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and the questions on the actual exam may differ from these in content and format. Regional and Social Dialects. National and Official Languages. Vernacular and Standard Varieties. Language loss, language death, and language revival. Gender-exclusive and gender-preferential language. Age-graded features of language. Ethnicity and language. Social networks. Language Variation and Language Change. Style, context, and register.
Other Reminders: Be on time. If you are late, you will not be given extra time to complete the exam. Write legibly. If your answer is illegible, we’ll mark it as wrong. Please remember that there are no makeup exams in this course. If you are sick and can’t write the test, inform me by email. Make sure you see a doctor and obtain a doctor’s note for that day. The only medical form I accept is the Health Care Provider Statement from the SFU website below. If you need it, print it out, and have your doctor complete it: http://students. sfu. a/content/dam/sfu/students/pdf/healthcare-statement-general. pdf. Please do not email me questions about the exam. Ask your questions in class, so everyone can have the chance to contribute to and hear the answer. Answers to exam questions will not be posted on webct or distributed to students. However, we’ll discuss the answers to exam 2 in class a week after the exam, so if you would like to hear them, you need to attend the lecture. Remember also to bring your instructions with you, so you can check your answers.

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