
Prepare: As you prepare to write your second discussion for this week, be sure to complete the following:Read Chapters 1, 3, 4.2, and Appendix A in the textbook.Read Research Paper Guidelines.Read An Introduction to Argument.Watch the Two-Minute Tutorial: Thesis Statements.Review the Ashford University Library’s Nitty Gritty: Generating Keywords tutorial.Review the Ashford University Library’s Quick ‘n’ Dirty tutorial.Review the grading rubric for this discussion.  
  Reflect: Before drafting your initial post, take time to reflect on the approved research topics for your Final Paper. Considering the information in this week’s instructor guidance and readings, choose the research topic that suits you best. Choose a topic that is interesting, has a clear argument, and allows you to remain objective. We will be using research and logic to support our arguments in this class. It may be difficult to remain objective if you feel emotionally or spiritually connected to the subject.  
  Write (due Thursday, Day 3): In 200 to 300 words, share your chosen research topic for this class and write a few sentences on each of the following:Share the kind of argument you hope to make and why.Identify five to ten keywords for your library research and explain your choices.Write a single-sentence thesis statement for your research paper. Explain your development process and how you used the Two-Minute Tutorial: Thesis Statements. Be sure to compare it your work to the Thesis Checklist.Include any areas of confusion or questions you have for the class and/or your instructor.Please review the Week One Discussion 2 Initial Post Template before writing your response.  
  Respond to Peers (due Monday, Day 7): In 125 to 200 words each, respond to at least two classmates. Provide feedback on any area of confusion and answer any questions your classmate has posted. Support your responses with information from the course materials (including the textbook), instructor guidance, articles, Ashford University Library, and Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to includeA detailed explanation of why you agree (or disagree) with your classmate’s chosen style of argument for the research paper topic chosen.Suggestions for additional library search keywords for your classmate’s research paper topic.An analysis of your classmate’s thesis statement according to the textbook, the Ashford Writing Center, and other course materials.Make every effort to read all posts and responses in this discussion. You are strongly encouraged to follow up with classmates who have responded to your post. As always, you may respond to more than two classmates if you choose.Please review the Week One Discussion 2 Peer Response Template before writing your response.  PLEASE RESPOND TO THESE DISCUSSIONS  Criminal Justice and the use of Body cameras.-The American public has recently rallied to ask for body cameras to be mandatory for all police officers to provide evidence of misconduct in controversial cases. Others have argued that body cameras should be required to provide evidence of proper police action when officer actions are questioned. Critics, however, have raised concerns that body cameras violate privacy laws and statutes. Argue whether police body cameras are a solution for officers in the United States, risk a violation to the privacy of American citizens, or otherwise impact the relationship between law enforcement and the community.I chose this topic because I am going into the criminal justice field and also this is a real life issue at hand in our country. I do feel that body cameras should be used and worn by officers while on duty. So many shootings with police officers involved makes this a great chance to prove their innocence if applicable. My opinion is that if you look at the news and video footage for example the deadly shooting in Charlotte NC the officer did wrongfully kill the man. The video did show a gun close to the now deceased man’s body but before he was shot you could not see it. Body cameras would have should different angles of what was going on and show exactly what officers see so there would not be an argument only proof.Keywords that I use in the Ashford library are things such as: Body cameras, police brutality, police officer, and shootings. I chose small words that relate to the issue at hand. After reviewing the ‘Natty gritty keywords tutorial’ I learned to use smaller works as such.Body Cameras should be worn by police officers to use as evidence in investigations and prove either guilty or innocence instead of speculation or one’s word against another. My formula for my thesis statement used my position and reasons.   After considering the information in this week’s instructor guidance and readings, I have selected the research topic… I am choosing the topic Medical Marijuana and the benefits it can bring to the table, which was my topic from GEN103. I will agree with the sentiment that this topic is not the most politically correct topic, but it is what interests me.                After reviewing the library tutorials, I have identified ten keywords for my research, which are… Marijuana, medical, diseases, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, glaucoma, arthritis, chronic pain, tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinoids.                With my argument and basic research plan in mind, my working thesis statement is: Criminalization of marijuana, a substance that has directly caused zero recorded deaths, needs to end post haste, so that the potential use of it can be evaluated in making people feel better in certain circumstances.After reading the course materials, I have questions about… Is this class going to be entirely focused on the subject we chose with regards to our papers and assignments?   THANKS is your go-to destination for swift and trustworthy essay writing assistance. Our comprehensive writing services encompass essays, coursework, research papers, and more, ensuring a seamless solution for all your academic needs. Entrust your writing assignments to our skilled writers and bid farewell to concerns and stress. Rest assured, your college papers are secure in our capable hands, promising a hassle-free and reliable experience.

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