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Title page
Body of paper: This main section will consist of the annotations for all eight articles.
•    Begin each annotation with a complete reference for the article, just as it will appear on the reference list.
•     The annotation (short description) for each reference must answer all  of the following questions (at least two complete paragraphs total per  article):
     •    Who is the author and how are they qualified? 
     •    Reflection on the source and how it fits in the topic chosen to research.
     •    A comment on whether the source was helpful; Too broad or too narrow? 
     •    Explain how this research will fit into your Literature Review.
Reference page 

On a separate page following the narrative, provide a complete reference list in the APA format.
DO NOT submit an abstract on this assignment.
These  eight articles may be used again on the Week 7 Literature Review – with  the exception of any articles or references disallowed by the  professor.
The eight references  required for this scholarly assignment must come from peer-reviewed  journal articles only, published in 2014 or after – no books, textbooks,  websites, dot.coms, dot.nets, magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc.


Literature Review – Annotated Bibliography 


Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday.

The Annotated Bibliography and all other written assignments must be submitted as one MS Word attachment 

Professor’s recommendations/reminders: 

  1.  Prior to beginning this assignment, please explore the “Literature Review Instructions” link above. 
  2.  Please  review again the “Professor’s Improvement Suggestions” document  available for download in the “Syllabus and Assignment Instructions”  area of the Course Content. Reading and following the “Annotated  Bibliography” and “Literature Review” sections of this document will  help you achieve full credit on these assignments. 
  3. The  annotated bibliography, covering a minimum of eight (8) peer-reviewed  journal articles about your topic, must be a scholarly document of the  highest research standards and APA formatting and published within the past five years (2014 or after). Peer-reviewed academic journals are governed by editorial boards and DO NOT INCLUDE books, textbooks, websites (dot.coms, dot.nets, etc.), magazines, newspapers, blogs, or the results of google-type searches.
  4. Professor’s specific reminders/suggestions for the Annotated Bibliography assignment–
  • Begin with a title page. 
  • The body of the paper, or the main section, will consist of the annotations for all eight articles.
  • Begin each annotation with a complete reference for the article, just as it will appear on the reference list.
  • The  annotation (short description) for each reference must answer all of  the following questions (at least two paragraphs total per article):  
    • Who is the author and how are they qualified?  
    • Reflection on the source and how it fits in the topic chosen to research. 
    • A comment on whether the source was helpful; Too broad or too narrow?  
    • Explain how this research will fit into your Literature Review. 
  • On a separate page following the narrative, provide a complete reference list in the APA format. 
  1. Reminder:  A scholarly journal is a research-oriented academic, peer-reviewed  publication with an editorial board that screens articles according to  the highest academic standards. There are tutorials available about  academic journals on the LU library’s webpage, for example: . Also, see the Professor’s Improvement Suggestions document for additional information, and a list of prohibited sources.


If  the magazine containing the article is published monthly, then it is  not a scholarly journal. Scholarly journals are published quarterly, or  less frequently.

If an article does not have a named author, then it is not from a scholarly journal.

If  an article does not include a lengthy reference list citing other  scholarly articles, then it is not from a scholarly journal.

  1. Reference list required:  End the paper with an APA formatted references list. Center the word  References (not Works Cited or Bibliography) on a new page following the  narrative, and type an APA-formatted references list with a hanging  indent. In the APA format, references are not numbered but are instead  listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author of the  article. 
  2. Your articles must come from current publications – those published within the past five years (since 2014).  Much has changed in Human Resources Management theory and practice  since the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s – therefore, submit only scholarly  articles dated 2014 through 2018, from peer-reviewed journals.
  3. These  eight articles may be used again on the Week 7 Literature Review – with  the exception of any articles or references disallowed by the  professor.
  4. Do not submit an abstract on this assignment. 
  5. There  must be minimal to non-existent grammatical and APA errors. The  assignment must be written in third person and in a formal writing style  
  6. All  written assignments, including this one, must be double-spaced, with  12-point Times New Roman fonts and one-inch margins on all four sides. This applies to all pages – the title page, narrative, and references.

If you have not yet read the Professor’s Improvement Suggestions  document (see Week 1 announcement), there is a special section about  this assignment beginning on page 5 of that document. This is well worth  reading before you begin.

 The second part is the submission of the Annotated Bibliography. The  Annotated Bibliography must include at least 8 of the required 12  scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals, published within the  past 5 years. This will ensure that you are headed down the correct path  with your Literature Review. While only the references will be used in  the actual paper, the Annotated Bibliography, if done correctly, will  assist you in remembering what each source is about and how it will be  used in the Literature Review. This assignment must be submitted to  SafeAssign by 10:59 p.m. (CST) on Sunday of Module/Week 3. is your go-to destination for swift and trustworthy essay writing assistance. Our comprehensive writing services encompass essays, coursework, research papers, and more, ensuring a seamless solution for all your academic needs. Entrust your writing assignments to our skilled writers and bid farewell to concerns and stress. Rest assured, your college papers are secure in our capable hands, promising a hassle-free and reliable experience.

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