Based on your categorizations, what can you conclude about the dominant forms of persuasive appeals used by marketers?

Listed below are a number of options that you can choose for the project. Select only one option and write a paper about 5-7 pages and also 3-5 slides of powerpoint. please see attachment for the requirement.

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1. Watch three hours of prime time network television (Do not use cable television channels for this project). Code the ads for: who you think the target audience is (men, women, or both), the actors used in the ad (male, female, groups), and how the genders are portrayed in the ad. In particular, ads should be coded to reflect dimensions of masculine and feminine sex roles. For example, one aspect of the masculine sex role is assertiveness. Based on your coding of ads, you should be able to determine how often men are portrayed as assertive and how often women are portrayed as assertive in the ads shown. Once you have coded the ads for characteristics of gender roles, analyze your results. That is, base on what you observed, what can you conclude about gender roles today? How women are portrayed in ads and how well does this fit with traditional women’s gender roles? How well do the men’s portrayals fit traditional male gender roles? Given your observations, what can you conclude about the state of gender role today?

2. Watch two hours of Saturday morning children’s programming. Record how many ads are shown? What types of products are advertised? Are there any frequently used techniques and themes across the ads (i.e., cartoon characters, bright colors, etc)? What impact might these types of ads have on children’s values over time? Next, watch two hours of prime time programming and record how many ads are shown. What types of products are advertised? Are there any frequently used techniques and theme (i.e., Comparative ads, one-side appeals, humor, etc) across the ads? What impact might these types of ads have on adults’ value over time?

Based on your observation, discuss the relationship between advertising and consumers’ values.

3. Make a log of all the commercials shown on one network television channel over a two-hour period. Do the same thing for a cable channel on the same day and time period (this can be done in two consecutive weeks). Categorize each commercial according to product category and whether they are presented as a drama or argument. Categorize each according to the type of message used (e.g., one vs. two-sided appeals, comparative ads, etc) and the type of spokesperson used (e.g., television actors, celebrities, company spokesperson, animated character, etc). You may also use other dimensions by which to code ads; the previously listed dimensions are examples. Based on your categorizations, what can you conclude about the dominant forms of persuasive appeals used by marketers? Were there any differences in types of commercials between the two networks? If so, why might this be the case? Be sure to include tables of your categorizations in the paper. (Videotapes of selected commercials may be helpful for the class presentation. Be sure to hand in your coding sheets of ads with your paper.)


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