TT284 Web Technologies01 : Success Essays

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i.The system should allow login of the registered club members.

ii.The system should allow the volunteers walk leaders to enter their details and walk details and date specific.

iii.The system should allow the club organizers enter the walk report details.



Ou Walking Club Web Development Work Plan

The OU WALKING CLUB is a student club that has major objective of students meeting and chatting while engaging themselves in various walks and social events; however the club had decided to come up with a website that will enable them to manage their club activities.

However the website they propose to be developed is meant to be accessed using various devices which includes the desktop computers, laptops ,and mobile devices through the internet access.

The website will allow the group members who are willing to lead in the walks to submit the details using web form, which will entail dates suggested, starting time, and the route to be followed.

However the website will be having the student’s club organizer submit the walk reports using a website form and comment on the attendance of the walk and also update some walk images.

In this report there will details of the work plan on the designing and the development of the website to be used by the OU WALKING club, the plan is essential in order to ensure the design and development process is done within a set time frame and delivered to the club members.

However the work plan will enable  me to know the specific things to be done and the time that it might be consumed and the specific requirements to be implemented on time.


This work plan is devided into sections which includes.

  1. Schedule of activities.
  2. Risk assessment and mitigations.

Schedule of activities.

In the process system design and development there are various activities that will be involved ,these will be in term of phases and they start from the requirements analysis, system design phase, implementation and unit testing phase, integration and system testing phase, and the maintenance phase as described in the below system development life cycle.


In this OU WALKING website development there will be a series of activities to be followed, however all these activities are in term of phases and they will be done in a set time frame and in a sequence of order.

However in this system development there will be use of waterfall development model that will entail five important phases as discussed below.

Phase I: Requirements Analysis Phase.

This is the first phase and it will take a total of 3 days where there will be a correction of the specific website requirements which will be done by the system analyst in the development team; however some of the system requirements will include:

  1. System should be accessible using computers and the mobile devices.
  2. The system should allow the registration of club members.
  • The system should allow login of the registered club members.
  1. The system should allow the volunteers walk leaders to enter their details and walk details and date specific.
  2. The system should allow the club organizers enter the walk report details.

Phase II: System Design Phase.

This  phase will take a total of 5 days where it will involve activities of designing the system where the team developers and designers will be involved who will design the system to comply with the all the requirements identified in the phase 1 (Reitman 2015).

However the website system database designing and the interface wireframes will be done and ensure all will meet the system’s requirements.

Also in this stage the system development tools will tools will be identified which will involve modern technology which includes:

  1. The MySQL database version  5.7.3.
  2. The xampp server .
  • Html 5 programming language.
  1. PHP programming language.
  2. CSS style sheet programming language.

Phase III: Implementation and Module Testing.

This phase will take a total of 10 days since it where the real programming and system implementations will be done, however there will be involvement of the team software programmer, however apart from the programming there will be the designing and testing of the database and the website system and testing whether they are well integrated and relating.

However after the implementing the website and the database there will be testing of the domain servers in order to make sure that all the club members will be able to access and use  the system using their internet devices and thus this will ensure the various system module works appropriately and their co-ordination is perfect (Sprague 2013).

Phase IV: Integration and System Testing.

This phase will take a total of 7 days where the developed OU WALKING web system testing will be done through the engagement of the users from external who will include the club organizers and some club members who will check whether the website functions is according to their requirements ,however in case some errors are identified the system programmers will correct the errors prior release of the system to the club management for club members to use.

Therefore still in this phase the OU WALKING website will be launched onto the club’s selected domain into the hosting server space that the club had bought from their respective hosting company (Bonczek 2012).

Phase V: Maintenance Phase.

This is the last and very essential stage and it will take a longer period of 14 days, where the errors will be identified especially those that were not identified in the previous stages and they will be fixed accordingly.

However the system improvements and enhancements will be conducted in this stage through implementation of any other additional system requirement that is identified (Maybee 2016).

However in this stage there will be updating of the system whenever a new technology arrives in the market, therefore by the end of this phase the system will be able to accommodate the unlimited traffics of the club members accessing the system as club membership grows.

Activities phases Gantt chart.

The above is the gantt chart diagram showing the activities involved in the system development.

Risks assessments and mitigations.

In this stage there will be assessment of possible risks that will be possibly encountered during the system development process m, however there will be measure of likelihood, their impacts and the possible mitigation methods (Alter 2013).

Below is a table summarizing the possible risks in the development process.





Change of development technologies


Delaying the implementation of the system.

Authorizing the club not to change the technologies until system is completed.

Change of system requirements


Cause the updating of the requirements and also delay the development period delivery time of the system.

Avoid the club members sneaking new requirements midway.

Changing of the system architectures


The change of architecture will cause modification of requirements a delay system development.

Authorizing the club not to modify requirements in the mid of system development.

Lack of expertise.


This will lead to low delivery pace of the systems.

Undergo a fresher training on the technologies to be used.

Failing of computer systems.


Lead to incurring of extra cost of buying new systems.

Buy spare computer system.

Un availability of development team members


Cause delay in the development process as we look for more developers.

Always hire more substitute team members

Lack of enough capital


Lead to delay in system development and delivery.

Request more funds from the club.Keen 2014).




Keen,w.(2014).Decision support systems: organizational perspective. Reading, Ma addison-wesley, p.501.

Alter,S.(2013). Decision support systems: current practice and continuing challenges, Reading, MA: addison-wesley, P. 268.

Maybee,J.(2016).computer-assisted analysis and model specification. New York: Academic press,P. 320.

Bonczek,H.(2012). Foundations of decision support systems. New York: academic press, p. 650.

Sprague,H.(2013). Building effective decision support systems. Englewood Cliffs: prentice hall, p.631.

Reitman,w.(2015).Decision support systems.North-Holland:Amsterdam publishers,p.520. is your go-to destination for swift and trustworthy essay writing assistance. Our comprehensive writing services encompass essays, coursework, research papers, and more, ensuring a seamless solution for all your academic needs. Entrust your writing assignments to our skilled writers and bid farewell to concerns and stress. Rest assured, your college papers are secure in our capable hands, promising a hassle-free and reliable experience.

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